WSI-related Publications for year:
1.55 µm tunable twin-guide laser with large continuous tuning range and narrow spectral linewidth European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Göteburg, Sweden (1989) M. C. Amann, C. Schanen, S. Illek, H. Lang, W. Thulke | A novel approach for tunable laser diodes Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, Baltimore, USA (1989) S. Illek, M. C. Amann, C. Schanen, W. Thulke | Confined Optical Modes in Short Period (110) Si/Ge Superlattices Solid State Communications 69 (1989) E. Friess, H. Brugger, K. Eberl, G. Krötz, G. Abstreiter | Continuously tunable single-frequency laser diode utilizing a transverse tuning scheme Electronics Letters 25, 837-839 (1989) M. C. Amann, S. Illek, C. Schanen, W. Thulke, H. Lang | Cost-216 comparative study of eigenmode analysis methods for single and coupled integrated optical waveguides IEE Proceedings Part J 136, 273-280 (1989) M. C. Amann, et al. | CRITIQUE OF (TIME)1/3 KINETICS OF DEFECT FORMATION IN AMORPHOUS SI-H AND A POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE MODEL - COMMENT ON KINETICS OF THE STAEBLER-WRONSKI EFFECT IN HYDROGENATED AMORPHOUS-SILICON - RESPONSE APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 54 4 399-400 (1989) W. B. JACKSON, C. C. TSAI, M. STUTZMANN | Current confinement and leakage currents in planar buried-ridge-structure laser diodes on n-substrate IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 25, 1595-1602 (1989) M. C. Amann, W. Thulke | Current confinement and reduction of shunt currents in BRS-type laser diodes Semiconductor and Integrated Opto-Electronics Conference (SIOE), Cardiff, United Kingdom (1989) M. C. Amann, B. Borchert, C. Huber, S. Illek, W. Thulke | DEFECT DENSITY AND STRUCTURE OF HYDROGENATED AMORPHOUS SILICON-SULFUR ALLOYS JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 114 462-464 (1989) S. ALJISHI, M. STUTZMANN, S. JIN, C. HERRERO, S. ALDALLAL, M. HAMMAM, S. M. ALALAWI | DEPOSITION OF SILICON BY DECOMPOSITION OF SILANE VIA HYDROGEN ABSTRACTION JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 115 1-3 105-107 (1989) M. S. BRANDT, J. CHRYSOSTOMIDES, S. KOYNOV, V. PETROVAKOCH | HYDROGEN PASSIVATION OF SHALLOW ACCEPTORS IN SILICON PHYSICA SCRIPTA T25 276-282 (1989) M. STUTZMANN, C. P. HERRERO |
| Improvement of Structural Properties of Si/Ge Superlattices Thin Solid Films 183, 95-103 (1989) K. Eberl, E. Friess, W. Wegscheider, U. Menczigar, G. Abstreiter | Investigations of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well lasers by Micro Raman Spectroscopy Proc. of the 19th European Solid State Device Research Conference (1989) S. Beeck, T. Egeler, G. Abstreiter, H. Brugger, P. W. Epperlein, D. J. Webb, C. Hanke | Local Operating Temperatures in GaAs Quantum Well Lasers Proc. of the 16th Int. Symp. on GaAs and Related Compounds, Karuizawa, Japan, September 25-29, 1989. Ed.: T. Ikoma and H. Watanabe. IOP Publishing Ltd., 1990. 771-776. (1989) H. Brugger, P. W. Epperlein, S. Beeck, G. Abstreiter | METAL IMPURITIES IN A-SI-H AND OTHER AMORPHOUS-SEMICONDUCTORS JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 114 414-416 (1989) M. STUTZMANN | MICROSCOPIC NATURE OF COORDINATION DEFECTS IN AMORPHOUS-SILICON PHYSICAL REVIEW B 40 14 9834-9840 (1989) M. STUTZMANN, D. K. BIEGELSEN | NMR INVESTIGATION OF HYDROGEN IN AMORPHOUS-SILICON AND RELATED MATERIALS JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 114 211-216 (1989) J. B. BOYCE, S. E. READY, M. STUTZMANN, R. E. NORBERG | Phonons and Optical Properties of Si/Ge Superlattices Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Microstructures, Venice, Italy, May 9-13, 1989. Eds.: G. Fasol, A. Fasolino, and P. Lugli. Plenum Press, N.Y. 1989. 165-174. (1989) G. Abstreiter, K. Eberl, E. Friess, U. Menczigar, W. Wegscheider, R. Zachai | Picosecond Intersubband Spectroscopy Superlattices and Microstructures 5 (1989) A. Seilmeier, M. Wörner, G. Abstreiter, G. Weimann, W. Schlapp | Plasmon Excitations in Layered 2D Electron Gas Systems with Large In-Plane Wave Vector Superlattices and Microstructures 5 (1989) T. Egeler, S. Beeck, G. Abstreiter, G. Weimann, W. Schlapp | Polarization dependent optical gain in ridge-waveguide lasers Electronics Letters 25, 1017-1018 (1989) B. Stegmueller, M. C. Amann | Realization of Short Period Si/Ge Strained-Layer Superlattices Heterostructures on Silicon: One Step Further with Silicon. Eds.: Y.I. Nissim and E. Rosencher. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989. 153-160. (1989) K. Eberl, W. Wegscheider, E. Friess, G. Abstreiter |
| Reliable spin-on source for acceptor diffusion into III/V compound semiconductors Journal of the Electrochemical Society 136, 2410-2413 (1989) G. Franz, M. C. Amann | Replacement of magnesium in InGaAs/InP heterostructures during diffusion Applied Physics Letters 55, 876-878 (1989) F. Dildey, R. Treichler, M. C. Amann, M. Schier, G. Ebbinghaus | Si-Ge Strained Layer Superlattices Thin Solid Films 183, 8-Jan (1989) G. Abstreiter | Silicon/Germanium Strained Layer Superlattices J. of Crystal Growth 95, 431-438 (1989) G. Abstreiter, K. Eberl, E. Friess, W. Wegscheider, R. Zachai | Spectroscopy of Free Carrier Excitations in Semiconductor Quantum Wells Topics in Applied Physics 66: Light Scattering in Solids V. Eds.: M. Cardona, G. Güntherodt. Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989. 153-211 (1989) A. Pinczuk, G. Abstreiter | Strain at Si-Si02 Interfaces Studied by Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Appl. Surf. Science 39, 116-126 (1989) K. Brunner, G. Abstreiter, B. O. Kolbesen, H. W. Meul | STRUCTURAL, OPTICAL, AND SPIN PROPERTIES OF HYDROGENATED AMORPHOUS SILICON-GERMANIUM ALLOYS JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 66 2 569-592 (1989) M. STUTZMANN, R. A. STREET, C. C. TSAI, J. B. BOYCE, S. E. READY | THE DEFECT DENSITY IN AMORPHOUS-SILICON PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE B-PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER STATISTICAL 60 4 531-546 (1989) M. STUTZMANN | Transmission electron microscopy of short-period Si/Ge strained-layer superlattices on Ge substrates Appl. Phys. Lett. 55 (1989) W. Wegscheider, K. Eberl, H. Cerva, H. Oppolzer | Transversely tunable laser diode with large continuous tuning range Semiconductor and Integrated Opto-Electronics Conference (SIOE), Cardiff, United Kingdom (1989) W. Thulke, C. Schanen, S. Illek, M. C. Amann | Tunable twin-guide laser: A novel laser diode with improved tuning performance Applied Physics Letters 54, 2532-2533 (1989) M. C. Amann, S. Illek, C. Schanen, W. Thulke |
| Tuning range and threshold current of the tunable twin-guide (TTG) laser IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 1, 253-254 (1989) M. C. Amann, S. Illek, C. Schanen, W. Thulke | Wavelength tunable single-mode metal-clad ridge-waveguide lasers for 1.55 µm wavelength region Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik, 43 (1989) 390-393 (1989) M. C. Amann, G. G. Baumann, B. Borchert, H. Lang, H. Unzeitig |