Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (SNQS)
Head of Group: Prof. Dr. Jonathan J. Finley


A very warm welcome to the chair for Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (SNQS) at the Walter Schottky Institute of the Technical University of Munich. Our primary research interests focus on understanding key-fundamental processes occurring in semiconductor-based nanomaterials and heterointerfaces and the application of novel interfaces and quantum systems in the fields of photonics, (opto)electronics, quantum technologies and energy science.

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley
Head of Group

Room S209
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12770

PD Dr. Gregor Koblmueller
Head of Epitaxy

Room S315
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12779

Dr. Andreas Stier
Sub-Group Leader

Room S212
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12782

Dr. Nathan Wilson
Sub-Group Leader

Room S314
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12778

Dr. Eugenio Zallo
Sub-Group Leader

Room S313
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12777

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley
Head of Group

Room S209
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12770

PD Dr. Gregor Koblmueller
Head of Epitaxy

Room S315
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12779

Dr. Andreas Stier
Sub-Group Leader

Room S212
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12782

Dr. Nathan Wilson
Sub-Group Leader

Room S314
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12778

Dr. Eugenio Zallo
Sub-Group Leader

Room S313
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12777

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley
Head of Group

Room S209
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12770

PD Dr. Gregor Koblmueller
Head of Epitaxy

Room S315
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12779

Dr. Andreas Stier
Sub-Group Leader

Room S212
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12782

Dr. Nathan Wilson
Sub-Group Leader

Room S314
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12778

Dr. Eugenio Zallo
Sub-Group Leader

Room S313
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12777

Researchers at SNQS currently explore a wide-range of research themes in condensed matter physics, including
  1. Growth and Functional Properties of Ultrapure Nanomaterials: III-V semiconductor nanostructures (nanowires, QD-nanostructures), 2D-nanomaterials and diamond grown using methods such as MBE and CVD.
  2. Heterostructures of 2D-Materials: two-dimensional materials such as graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides and layered perovskites and the exploration of their novel optical, electronic and magnetic properties.
  3. Quantum-Photonics*: quantum spin-systems in III-V semiconductors and diamond and their use for quantum technologies.
  4. Photonic Nanomaterials*: understanding and controlling light-matter-interactions by engineering materials to trap, route and focus light at the nanoscale.
  5. Quantum Sensing: development of quantum sensors with a particular focus on applications in the life-sciences and ultra-sensitive photon detection at the quantum limit.

*SNQS collaborates closely with the Photonic Quantum Engineering group at TUM-ECE led by Kai Müller.

[E24 People]
GROUP PHOTO - Mar 2019

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(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut