Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

WSI-related Publications for year:

Dynamical effective charges in semiconductors:a pseudopotential approach
J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys 11, Vol. 11, 1978, p. 251-262 (1978)
P. Vogl
Raman Spectroscopy - A Versatile Tool for Characterization of Thin Films and Heterostructures of GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs
Applied Physics 16, 345-352 (1978)
G. Abstreiter, E. Bauser, A. Fischer, K. Ploog
The influence of technological parameters on spectral properties of double-heterostructure superluminescent diodes
International Journal of Electronics 45, 635-640 (1978)
M. C. Amann, J. Boeck, W. Harth

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(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut WSI Association


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(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut