WSI-related Publications for year:
A semi-empirical tight-binding theory of the electronic structure of semiconductors J. Phys. Chem. Solids 44, 365-378 (1983) P. Vogl, H. P. Hjalmarson, J. D. Dow | ELECTRON-SPIN RESONANCE OF DOPED GLOW-DISCHARGE AMORPHOUS-GERMANIUM PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 115 1 141-151 (1983) M. Stutzmann, J. Stuke, H. Dersch | ELECTRON-SPIN-LATTICE RELAXATION IN AMORPHOUS-SILICON AND GERMANIUM PHYSICAL REVIEW B 28 11 6256-6261 (1983) M. Stutzmann, D. K. Biegelsen | Fermi Level Pinning on Clean and Covered GaAs (110) Surfaces Studied by Electric-Field Induced Raman Scattering Chemical Physics 33: Surface Studies with Lasers, 131-134 (1983) F. Schäffler, G. Abstreiter | Laserdioden - Sendebauelemente hoher Lichtleistung für die optische Nachrichtenuebertragung Telcom Report 6, 84-89 (1983) M. C. Amann, K. Mettler, H. D. Wolf | PARAMAGNETIC STATES IN DOPED AMORPHOUS-SILICON AND GERMANIUM SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 47 8 635-639 (1983) M. Stutzmann, J. Stuke | Quantization of Photo-excited carriers in GaAs Doping Superlattices Physica 117B and 118B, 729-731 (1983) C. Zeller, B. Vinter, G. Abstreiter, K. Ploog | SPIN-LATTICE RELAXATION OF PARAMAGNETIC STATES IN A-SI-H AND A-GE-H JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 59-6 DEC 137-140 (1983) D. K. Biegelsen, M. Stutzmann | Subband Energies in Accumulation Layers on InP Solid State Communications 47 (1983) G. Abstreiter, R. Huber, G. Tränkle, B. Vinter | TEMPERATURE-DEPENDENCE OF ELECTRON-SPIN-RESONANCE SPECTRA OF DOPED AMORPHOUS-GERMANIUM PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 120 1 225-234 (1983) M. Stutzmann, J. Stuke |