Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

Welcome to the Experimental Semiconductor Physics (Martin Stutzmann) - Group

The work of the second semiconductor physics group at the Walter Schottky Institut deals with various aspects of new and non conventional semiconductor materials and material combinations: semiconductors with a wide bandgap (GaN, InGaN, AlGaN, diamond, SiC) disordered semiconductors (amorphous, nanocrystalline, and polycrystalline) advanced thin film systems (silicon-based luminescent layers, thin film solar cells, organic/anorganic heterosystems, biofunctionalized semiconductors).

Scientific Staff
Prof. Dr. Martin Stutzmann
Head of Group

Room S207
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12760
Prof. Dr. Martin Stutzmann
Head of Group

Room S207
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12760
Prof. Dr. Martin Stutzmann
Head of Group

Room S207
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12760

Joana Figueiredo

Room S206
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11561
Joana Figueiredo

Room S206
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11561
Joana Figueiredo

Room S206
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11561

Technical Staff
Michael Fischer

Room S302
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12783
Bernhard Kratzer

Room S306
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12765
Sonja Matich

Room S110, Z0.0
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11569
Nick Schröder

Room N116
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12738
Michael Fischer

Room S302
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12783
Bernhard Kratzer

Room S306
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12765
Sonja Matich

Room S110, Z0.0
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11569
Nick Schröder

Room N116
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12738
Michael Fischer

Room S302
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12783
Bernhard Kratzer

Room S306
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12765
Sonja Matich

Room S110, Z0.0
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11569
Nick Schröder

Room N116
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 12738

Doctoral Candidates
Johannes Bartl

Room S310
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11523
Felix Eckmann

Room S109
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11398
Theresa Hoffmann

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11528
Max Kraut

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11356
Martin Lottner

Room S110
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11344
Florian Pantle

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11315
Andreas Zeidler

Room S309
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11526
Johannes Bartl

Room S310
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11523
Felix Eckmann

Room S109
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11398
Theresa Hoffmann

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11528
Max Kraut

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11356
Martin Lottner

Room S110
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11344
Florian Pantle

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11315
Andreas Zeidler

Room S309
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11526
Johannes Bartl

Room S310
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11523
Felix Eckmann

Room S109
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11398
Theresa Hoffmann

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11528
Max Kraut

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11356
Martin Lottner

Room S110
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11344
Florian Pantle

Room S106
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11315
Andreas Zeidler

Room S309
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11526

Visiting Scientists
Dr. Anna Cattani-Scholz
Sub-Group Leader

Room S303
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11535
Dr. Anna Cattani-Scholz
Sub-Group Leader

Room S303
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11535
Dr. Anna Cattani-Scholz
Sub-Group Leader

Room S303
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11535

Walter Schottky Institut About the Institute Research

Technische Universität München Annual Reports Photonics & Optoelectronics
Am Coulombwall 4 Events and News Quantum Technologies
D-85748 Garching History of WSI Energy Materials
Germany How to get to WSI Engineered Nanomaterials
Scientific Background Functional Interfaces
Tel: +49-(0)89-289-12761 Seminars Nanofabrication
Fax: +49-(0)89-289-12737 The WSI in Numbers

Partners Publications
(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut WSI Association


Walter Schottky Institut Navigation

Technische Universität München Contact
Am Coulombwall 4 Groups
D-85748 Garching Institute
Germany Partners
Tel: +49-(0)89-289-12761 Research
Fax: +49-(0)89-289-12737 Groups
(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut