Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

Chair of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
Head of Group: Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner


Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner
Head of Group

Room ZNN1.005
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11575
Dr. Christoph Kastl
Sub-Group Leader

Room ZNN1.004
Tel.: (+49) 089 289 11604

Welcome to the Chair of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials!

Structuring materials with atomic precision is the ultimate goal of nanotechnology and is becoming increasingly relevant as an enabling technology for quantum electronics, spintronics, optoelectronics, and photonics, as well as for energy conversion applications. Our chair explores the possibility to structure materials on an atomic level and to explore the fundamental physical properties of atomistic 2D materials with a specific focus on semiconducting nanomaterials for future information and energy conversion technologies.

We follow four main research directions:
  • Single-atom circuits
  • Topological materials and electronics
  • Excitonic many-body states including Bose-Einstein condensates
  • Femtosecond on-chip electronics

Please refer to the Research section for the list of current research projects in the Chair.

We are always looking for talented and enthusiastic BSc, MSc and PhD students to join the research projects in the group. Interested students are welcome to contact to discuss specific research opportunities.

Walter Schottky Institut About the Institute Research

Technische Universität München Annual Reports Photonics & Optoelectronics
Am Coulombwall 4 Events and News Quantum Technologies
D-85748 Garching History of WSI Energy Materials
Germany How to get to WSI Engineered Nanomaterials
Scientific Background Functional Interfaces
Tel: +49-(0)89-289-12761 Seminars Nanofabrication
Fax: +49-(0)89-289-12737 The WSI in Numbers

Partners Publications
(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut WSI Association


Walter Schottky Institut Navigation

Technische Universität München Contact
Am Coulombwall 4 Groups
D-85748 Garching Institute
Germany Partners
Tel: +49-(0)89-289-12761 Research
Fax: +49-(0)89-289-12737 Groups
(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut