Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

Displaying lectures for:

Nanosystems I
Lecturer:Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner
For:semester 7, above: WP ALLG-PHYS, WP TECH-PHYS, WP BIO-PHYS, semester 1, above: WP EP-M
EU-Credits:ECTS Credits: 4

Nanosystems I - Physics, Instrumentation
Lecturer:Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner, Dr. Ulrich Rant
For:semester 7, above: WA ALLG-PHYS, WA TECH-PHYS, semester 1, above: WA EP-M ab 1

Seminar über aktuelle Arbeiten der Physik nanostrukturierter Materie
Lecturer:Prof. Dr. Alexander Holleitner
For:Studenten und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter

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(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut WSI Association


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Tel: +49-(0)89-289-12761 Research
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(c) 2018 Walter Schottky Institut