Walter Schottky Institute
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

Head of Group: Prof. Dr. Mikhail Belkin


Broadband giant nonlinear response using electrically tunable polaritonic metasurfaces
Nanophotonics 13, 1131-1139 (2024) (2024)
J. Yu, S. Park, I. Hwang, G. Boehm, M.A. Belkin, and J. Lee
Online Ref
Mid-Infrared and Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers
Cambridge University Press (2023)
D. Botez and M.A. Belkin
Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor based on a multi-laser source for in-sequence detection of NO2, SO2, and NH3
Sensors 23, 9005 (2023) (2023)
P. Patimisco, N. Ardito, E. De Toma, D. Burghart, V. Tigaev, M.A. Belkin, and V. Spagnolo
Online Ref
Efficient second-harmonic generation from dielectric inter-subband polaritonic metasurfaces coupled to lattice resonance
Nano Lett. 23, 9003-9010 (2023) (2023)
D. Kim, J. Yu, G. Böhm, M.A. Belkin, and J. Lee
Online Ref
Overcoming intensity saturation in nonlinear multiple‐quantum‐well metasurfaces for high‐efficiency frequency upconversion
Adv. Mat. 35, 2106902 (2023) (2023)
N. Nefedkin, A. Mekawy, J. Krakofsky, Y. Wang, A. Belyanin, M. Belkin, and A. Alù
Online Ref
Phase-matching in terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on Cherenkov difference-frequency mixing
APL Photonics 8, 091303 (2023) (2023)
W. Oberhausen, I. Lubianskii, G. Böhm, A. Strömberg, B. Manavaimaran, D. Burghart, Y.-T. Sun, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Kerr nonlinearity and group velocity dispersion of InGaAs/InP and GaAsSb/InP waveguides in the mid-infrared
APL Photonics 8, 066107 (2023) (2023)
K. Zhang, G. Böhm, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Electrical phase modulation based on mid‐Infrared intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
Adv. Sci. 10, 2207520 (2023) (2023)
H. Chung, I. Hwang, J. Yu, G. Boehm, M.A. Belkin, and J. Lee
Online Ref
Control of second-harmonic generation in all-dielectric intersubband metasurfaces by controlling the polarity of χ(2)
Opt. Expr. 30, 34533-34544 (2022) (2022)
R. Sarma, J. Xu, D. De Ceglia, L. Carletti, J. Klem, M.A. Belkin, and I. Brener
Online Ref
Terahertz difference-frequency-generation quantum cascade lasers on silicon with wire grid current injectors
Opt. Expr. 30, 25410-25417 (2022) (2022)
J.H. Kim, W. Oberhausen, S. Jung, J. Xu, J. Mei, J.D. Kirch, L.J. Mawst, D. Botez, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
An all-dielectric polaritonic metasurface with a giant nonlinear optical response
Nano Lett. 22, 896-903 (2022) (2022)
R. Sarma, J. Xu, D. De Ceglia, L. Carletti, S. Campione, J. Klem, M.B. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, and I. Brener
Online Ref
Mid-infrared microring resonators and optical waveguides on an InP platform
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 061106 (2022) (2022)
K. Zhang, G. Böhm, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Electrically tunable nonlinear polaritonic metasurface
Nat. Photon. 16, 72-78 (2022)
J. Yu, S. Park, I. Hwang, D. Kim, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin, J. Lee
Online Ref
Overcoming intensity saturation in nonlinear multiple‐quantum‐well metasurfaces for high‐efficiency frequency upconversion
Adv. Mat., 2106902 (2021)
N. Nefedkin, A. Mekawy, J. Krakofsky, Y. Wang, A. Belyanin, M. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Defect tolerance of intersubband transitions in nonpolar GaN/(Al,Ga)N heterostructures: a path toward low-cost and scalable mid- to far-infrared optoelectronics
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 054040 (2021)
M. Monavarian, J. Xu, M. Khoury, F. Wu, P. De Mierry, P. Vennegues, M.A. Belkin, J.S. Speck
Online Ref
Ultrafast optical switching and power limiting in intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
Optica 8, 606-613 (2021)
S. Mann, N. Nookala, S.C. Johnson, M. Cotrufo, A. Mekkawy, J.F. Klam, I. Brener, M.B. Raschke, A. Alù, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrafast nano-imaging and control of optical switching in strongly coupled infrared quantum-well heterostructures
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America) (2021)
S.C. Johnson, H.A. Bechtel, S.A. Mann, N. Nookala, A. Alu, J.F. Klem, I. Brener, M.A. Belkin, M.B. Raschke
Online Ref
Control of second-harmonic generation in dielectric polaritonic metasurfaces using chi(2) polarity switching
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America) (2021)
R. Sarma, J. Xu, D. de Ceglia, J. Klem, M. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Electrically tunable quarter waveplate based on intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America) (2021)
H. Chung, I. Hwang, J. Yu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.A. Belkin, J. Lee
Online Ref
Strong Coupling in All-Dielectric Intersubband Polaritonic Metasurfaces
Nano Lett. 21, 367-374 (2021)
R.Sarma, N. Nookala, K.J. Reilly, S. Liu, D. de Ceglia, L. Carletti, M.D. Goldflam, S. Campione, K. Sapkota, H. Green, G.T. Wang, J. Klem, M.B. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Semiconductor-loaded nonlinear metasurfaces
CRC Press In Nonlinear Meta-Optics, pp. 41-76 (2020)
M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez, A. Krasnok, M.A. Belkin, A. Alù
Online Ref
Giant nonlinear circular dichroism from intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
Nano Lett. 20, 8032-8039 (2020)
D. Kim, J. Yu, I. Hwang, S. Park, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin, J. Lee
Online Ref
Broadband second-harmonic generation from electrically-tunable nonlinear polaritonic metasurfaces
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
J. Yu, I. Hwang, D. Kim, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin, J. Lee
Online Ref
Intersubband polaritonics in dielectric metasurfaces
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
R. Sarma, N. Nookala, K. Reilly, S. Liu, D. de Ceglia, M. Goldflam, L. Carletti, S. Campione, J. Klem, M.B. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Giant nonlinear circular dichroism from nonlinear chiral polaritonic metasurfaces
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
D. Kim, J. Yu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin, J. Lee
Online Ref
Ultrafast optical switching and power limiting in intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
S.A. Mann, N. Nookala, S. Johnson, A. Mekkawy, J.F. Klem, I. Brener, M. Raschke, A. Alù, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
All-dielectric intersubband polaritonic metasurface with giant second-order nonlinear response
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
R. Sarma, J. Xu, D. de Ceglia, N. Nookala, L. Carletti, S. Campione, J. Klem, S.D. Gennaro, M.B. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Intersubband Transitions in GaN/Al0.5Ga0.5N quantum wells on a a-plane and m-plane GaN substrates
in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2020)
J. Xu, M. Monavarian, N. Nookala, M.N. Fireman, K.S. Qwah, J.S. Speck, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Structural and optical properties of nonpolar m- and a-plane GaN/AlGaN heterostructures for narrow-linewidth mid-infrared intersubband transitions
Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 201103 (2020)
M. Monavarian, J. Xu, M.N. Fireman, N. Nookala, F. Wu, B. Bonef, K.S. Qwah, E.C. Young, M.A. Belkin, J.S. Speck
Online Ref
Spin‐controlled nonlinear harmonic generations from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
Adv. Opt. Mat. 8, 2000004 (2020)
D. Kim, H. Chung, J. Yu, I. Hwang, S. Park, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin, J.‐Y. Jung, J. Lee
Online Ref
Hybrid Dielectric Metasurfaces: From Strong Light-Matter Interaction to Extreme Nonlinearities
Prof. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Opt. MEMS and Nanophoton, pp. 200-201 (2019)
1. R. Sarma, N. Nookala, D. de Ceglia, L. Carletti, M. Goldflam, S. Campione, J. Klem, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Homogeneous photonic integration of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with low-loss passive waveguides on InP platform
Optica 6, 1023-1030 (2019)
S. Jung, D. Palaferri, K. Zhang, F. Xie, Y. Okuno, C. Pinzone, K. Lascola, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadband and Efficient Second-Harmonic Generation from a Hybrid Dielectric Metasurface/Semiconductor Quantum-Well Structure
ACS Photonics 6, 1458 (2019)
R. Sarma, D. de Ceglia, N. Nookala, M. Vincenti, S. Campione, O. Wolf, M. Scalora, M. Sinclair, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Infrared vibrational spectroscopy of functionalized atomic force microscope probes using resonantly-enhanced infrared photoexpansion nanospectroscopy
Small Methods, 1900018 (2019)
M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Purcell enhancement of the parametric down-conversion in two-dimensional nonlinear materials
APL Photonics 4, 034403 (2019)
M. Tokman, Z. Long, S. Al Mutairi, Y. Wang, V. Vdovin, M.A. Belkin, A. Belyanin
Online Ref
A hybrid dielectric-semiconductor resonant nanostructure for broadband and efficient second-harmonic generation
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, FW4B. 1 (2019)
R. Sarma, D. de Ceglia, N. Nookala, M.A. Vincenti, S. Campione, O. Wolf, M. Scalora, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Online Ref
Optical power limiters based on intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, AM3K. 5 (2019)
N. Nookala, S.A. Mann, A. Mekkawy, J.F. Klem, I. Brener, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Monolithic integration of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers on InGaAs/InP passive waveguide platforms
Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (2019)
S. Jung, M.A. Belkin, D. Palaferri, F. Xie, Y. Okuno, C. Pinzone, K. Lascola
Recent progress in terahertz difference-frequency quantum cascade laser sources
Nanophotonics 7, 1795-1817 (2018)
K. Fujita, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, J.H. Kim, A Nakanishi, A. Ito, M. Hitaka, T. Edamura, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Difference-frequency generation in polaritonic intersubband nonlinear metasurfaces
Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1800681 (2018)
Y. Liu, J. Lee, S. March, N. Nookala, D. Palaferri, J.F. Klem, S.R. Bank, I. Brener, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Double-metal waveguide terahertz difference-frequency generation quantum cascade lasers with surface grating outcouplers
Applied Physics Letters 113, 161102 (2018)
J.H. Kim, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Fujita, M. Hitaka, A. Ito, T. Edamura, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser arrays with electrical switching of emission frequencies
AIP Adv. 8, 085021 (2018)
A. Jiang, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, J.H. Kim, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Quantum confinement in oxide heterostructures: room-temperature Intersubband absorption in SrTiP3/LaAIO3 multiple quantum wells
ACS Nano 12, 7682-7689 (2018)
J.E. Ortmann, N. Nookala, Q. He, L. Gao, C. Lin, A.B. Posadas, A.Y. Borisevich, M.A. Belkin, A.A. Demkov
Online Ref
Mid-infrared second-harmonic generation in ultra-thin plasmonic metasurfaces without a full-metal backplane
Appl. Phys. B. 124, 132 (2018)
N. Nookala, J. Xu, O. Wolf, S. March, R. Sarma, S. Bank, J. Klem, I. Brener, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Enhancement of the spontaneous emission in subwavelength quasi-two-dimensional waveguides and resonators
Phys. Rev. A. 97, 043801 (2018)
M. Tokman, Z. Long, S. Al Mutairi, Y. Wang, M.A. Belkin, A. Belyanin
Online Ref
Broadly tunable terahertz difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers on silicon
SPIE Opt. Eng. 57, 011020 (2018)
S. Jung, J. H. Kim, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Hybrid Dielectric-Semiconductor Metasurface for Efficient Second-Harmonic Generation
IEEE Int. Conf. on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, pp. 1-5 (2018)
R. Sarma, D. de Ceglia, N. Nookala, M.A. Vincenti, S. Campione, O. Wolf, M. Scalora, M.A. Belkin, I. Brener
Difference-frequency generation terahertz quantum cascade lasers with surface grating outcouplers
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper SF3G.7 (2018)
J. H. Kim, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Fujita, M. Hitaka, A. Ito, T. Edamura, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Monolithic integration of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers coupled with passive InGaAs waveguides
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper SF2G.5 (2018)
S. Jung, D. Palaferri, J. Xu, F. Xie, Y. Okuno, C. Pinzone, K. Lascola, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Scattering near-field mid-infrared microscopy using self-mixing in quantum cascade lasers
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper JTh2A.72 (2018)
M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Difference-frequency generation and frequency up-conversion with polaritonic nonlinear metasurfaces
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JW2A. 104 (2018)
Y. Liu, J. Lee, S. March, N. Nookala, D. Palaferri, O. Wolf, I. Brener, S. R. Bank, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Optical power limiting from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper FW4H.5 (2018)
N. Nookala, P. Chang, D. Sounas, O. Wolf, S. March, S. Bank, I. Brener, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Optical power limiting from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics OSA Technical Digest (online), FW4H.5. (2018)
N. Nookala, P. Chang, D. Sounas, O. Wolf, S. March, S. Bank, I. Brener, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Optical and electrical control of confined electrons in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 quantum well heterostructures
Bulletin of the American Physical Society APS March Meeting, abstract A13.00003 (2018)
J. Ortmann, N. Nookala, Q. He, L. Gao, A. Borisevich, A. Posadas, M.A. Belkin, A. Demkov
Online Ref
Intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces for frequency mixing and optical power limiting
Proc. of the 48th Winter Colloquium on The Physics of Quantum Electronics (2018)
N. Nookala, J. Lee, Y. Liu, D. Palaferri, M. Tymchenko, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, O. Wolf, J.F. Klem, I. Brener, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Quantum cascade lasers transfer-printed on silicon-on-sapphire
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 211102 (2017)
S. Jung, J. Kirch, J.H. Kim, L.J. Mawst, D. Botez, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Spectral purity and tunability of terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on intra-cavity difference frequency generation
Sci. Adv. 3, e160331 (2017)
L. Consolino, S. Jung, A. Campa, M. De Regis, S. Pal, K. Fujita, A. Ito, M. Hitaka, S. Bartalini, P. De Natale, M.A. Belkin, M.S. Vitiello
Online Ref
Highly-efficient THz generation using nonlinear plasmonic metasurfaces
J. Opt. 19, 104001 (2017)
M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, J. Lee, M.A. Belkin, A. Alù
Online Ref
Strain compensated superlattices on m-plane gallium nitride by ammonia molecular beam epitaxy
J. Appl. Phys. 122, 075105 (2017)
M.N. Fireman, B. Bonef, E.C. Young, N. Nookala, M.A. Belkin, J.S. Speck
Online Ref
High-sensitivity infrared vibrational nanospectroscopy in water
Light Sci. Appl. 6, e17096 (2017)
M. Jin, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Dielectric properties of semi-insulating Fe-doped InP in the terahertz spectral region
Sci. Rep. 7, 7360 (2017)
L.N. Alyabyeva, E.S. Zhukova, M.A. Belkin, B.P. Gorshunov
Online Ref
Electrical tuning of the polarization state of light using graphene-integrated anisotropic metasurfaces
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375, 20160061 (2017)
S. Dutta-Gupta, N. Dabidian, I. Kholmanov, M.A. Belkin, G. Shvets
Online Ref
Terahertz difference-frequency quantum cascade laser sources on silicon
Optica 4, 38-43 (2017)
S. Jung, J. Kim, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
High-performance broadly-tunable THz quantum cascade laser sources based on intracavity difference-frequency mixing on silicon substrates
Proc. SPIE 10383, 1038307 (2017)
M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Difference-frequency generation quantum cascade laser sources on silicon
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2017)
S. Jung, J.H. Kim, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Low-loss Ge-on-GaAs platform for mid-infrared photonics
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2017)
H. Liao, S. Jung, S. Chakravarty, R.T. Chen, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
1.9 THz difference-frequency generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with grating outcouplers
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JTu5A. 99 (2017)
J.H. Kim, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Fujita, M. Hitaka, A. Ito, T. Masahiro, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers transfer-printed on silicon-on-sapphire
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2017)
S. Jung, J. Kirch, J.H. Kim, L. J. Mawst, M.A. Belkin, D. Botez
Online Ref
Efficient THz generation in long-wavelength infrared quantum cascade lasers
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2017)
Y. Jiang, J.H. Kim, S. Jung, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Flat nonlinear optics: metasurfaces for efficient frequency mixing
Proc. SPIE 10113, 101130O (2017)
N. Nookala, J Lee, Y. Liu, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, O. Wolf, I. Brener, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Narrow-linewidth ultra-broadband terahertz sources based on difference-frequency generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Proc. SPIE 10123, 1012315 (2017)
S. Jung, Y. Jiang, J. H. Kim, L. Consolino, S. Bartalini, P. De Natale, M. Vitiello, K. Fujita, M. Hitaka, A. Ito, J. Kirch, D. Botez, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Terahertz difference frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers on silicon
Proc. SPIE 10123, 1012316 (2017)
S. Jung, J. H. Kim, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Tunable graphene metasurfaces with gradient features by self-assembly-based moirè Nanosphere Lithography
Adv. Opt. Mat. 4, 2035-2043 (2016)
Z. Wu, W. Li, M.N. Yogeesh, S. Jung, A.L. Lee, M.A. Belkin, D. Akinwande, Y. Zheng
Online Ref
Advanced control of nonlinear beams with Pancharatnam-Berry metasurfaces
Phys. Rev. B. 94, 214303 (2016)
M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Thermopile detector of light ellipticity
Nature Commun. 7, 12994 (2016)
F. Lu, J. Lee, S. Jung, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Experimental demonstration of the microscopic origin of circular dichroism in two-dimensional metamaterials
Nature Commun. 7, 12045 (2016)
A.B. Khanikaev, N. Arju, Z. Fan, D. Purtseladze, F. Lu, J. Lee, P. Sarriugarte, M. Schnell, R. Hillenbrand, M.A. Belkin, G. Shvets
Online Ref
Experimental demonstration of phase modulation and motion sensing using graphene-integrated metasurfaces
Nano Lett. 16, 3607-3615 (2016)
N. Dabidian, S. Dutta-Gupta, I. Kholmanov, K. Lai, F. Lu, J. Lee, M. Jin, S. Trendafilov, A. Khanikaev, B. Fallahazad, E. Tutuc, M.A. Belkin, Gennady Shvets
Online Ref
Ultrathin second-harmonic metasurfaces with record-high nonlinear optical response
Adv. Opt. Mat. 4, 664-670 (2016)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alù, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrathin gradient nonlinear metasurface with a giant nonlinear response
Optica 3, 283-288 (2016)
N. Nookala, J. Lee, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, K. Lai, G. Shvets, M.-C. Amann, A. Alù, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Spectroscopic study of terahertz generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Sci. Rep. 6, 21169 (2016)
Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, S. Jung, A. Jiang, J.H. Kim, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces
2016 IEEE International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), 50-53 (2016)
M. Tymchenko, N. Nookala, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, M.A. Belkin, A. Al
Online Ref
Ultrathin gradient nonlinear metasurfaces with giant nonlinear response
Proc. SPIE 9918, 99180E (2016)
N. Nookala, J. Lee, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Spectroscopic study of terahertz difference-frequency nonlinear susceptibility in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Proc. IEEE Photonics Conference, 74-75 (2016)
Y. Jiang, S. Jung, J.H. Kim, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Room-temperature THz sources based on intra-cavity difference-frequency mixing in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Proc. of the 41st Int. Conf. on Infrared Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (2016)
M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Flat nonlinear optics with ultrathin highlynonlinear metasurfaces
10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, 55-57 (2016)
N. Nookala, J. Lee, M. Tymchenko, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, K. Lai, G. Shvets, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Gradient nonlinear metasurfaces for continuous phase control
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, 2296-2296 (2016)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, K. Lai, G. Shvets, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces with continuous phase control at the nanoscale
10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1-3 (2016)
M. Tymchenko, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, M.A. Belkin, A. Alù
Online Ref
Beyond GaAs: Room-Temperature Intersubband Absorption in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 Multiple Quantum Wells
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 61, BAPS.2016.MAR.V30.5 (2016)
J. Ortmann, N. Nookala, Q. He, A. Posadas, A. Borisevich, M.A. Belkin, A. Demkov
Online Ref
Monolithic bipolar thermopile detector sensitive to light ellipticity
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2016)
F. Lu, J. Lee, A. Jiang, S. Jung, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Infrared nanospectroscopy in liquid
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2016)
M. Jin, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Flat Nonlinear Optics
Proc. of the 46th Winter Colloquium on The Physics of Quantum Electronics (2016)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Gradient nonlinear Pancharatnum-Berry metasurfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 207403 (2015)
M. Tymchenko, J.S. Gomez-Diaz, J. Lee, N. Nookala, M.A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Nonlinear processes in multi-quantum-well plasmonic metasurfaces: Electromagnetic response, saturation effects, limits, and potentials
Phys. Rev. B. 92, 125429 (2015)
J.S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, J. Lee, M.A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
New frontiers in quantum cascade lasers: high performance room temperature terahertz sources
Phys. Scr. 90, 118002 (2015)
M.A. Belkin, F. Capasso
Online Ref
Recent progress in widely tunable single-mode room temperature terahertz quantum cascade laser sources
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 21, 1200710 (2015)
S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, A. Jiang, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Flat nonlinear optics: efficient frequency conversion in ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces
Proc. of the OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science San Jose CA, 559-560 (2015)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Recent progress in tip-enhanced mid-infrared photoexpansion nanospectroscopy
Proc. of the 62nd International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society (2015)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Flat nonlinear optics: Efficient frequency conversion in ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces
Proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Photonics Conference (2015)
M.A. Belkin
Highly-nonlinear quantum-engineered polaritonic metasurfaces
Proc. SPIE 9546, 954620 (2015)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Nonlinear optics with polaritonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, and Plasmonics (2015)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Strong non-linear non-reciprocity using leakywaves on multi quantum well layers
Proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting (2015)
D. L. Sounas, M. A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Giant Nonlinear Processes in Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Proc. of the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting (2015)
J. S. Gomez-Diaz, J. Lee, M. Tymchenko, M. A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Giant Nonlinearities and Topological Transitions in Engineered Metasurfaces
Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces (2015)
J. S. Gomez-Diaz, M. Tymchenko, J. Lee, M. A. Belkin, A. Alu
Second and Third-Order Giant Non-Linear Processes in Plasmonic Metasurfaces
Proc. of the 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science. Conference 2015 (2015)
J. S. Gomez-Diaz, M. A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Widely tunable room temperature THz quantum cascade laser sources
Proceedings of the European Conference on Lasers and ElectroOptics, CC_1_1 (2015)
Y. Jiang, S. Jung, A. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Background-Free Heterodyne Photoexpansion Infrared Nanospectroscopy
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly-Tunable Room-Temperature Monolithic Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
A. Jiang, S. Jung, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, J. Kim, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Monolithically Integrated Quantum Cascade Lasers, Detectors and Dielectric Waveguides at 9.5
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
Y. Zou, K. Vijayraghavan, P. Wray, S. Chakravarty, M.A. Belkin, R.T. Chen
Online Ref
Giant nonlinear response of polaritonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transition
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, J. S. Gomez-Diaz, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. Amann, A. Alu, M. A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ohmic Loss Produces Chiral Dichroism in Plasmonic Metasurfaces: First Experimental Demonstration
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
G. Shvets, N. Arju, M. A. Belkin, R. Hillenbrand, F. Lu, M. Schnell, J. Lee, and A. B. Khanikaev
Online Ref
Active Epsilon-NearZero Infrared Metamaterials
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
N. Arju, T. Ma, S. Trendafilov, J. Lee, M. A. Belkin, G. Shvets
Online Ref
TwoDimensional Pump Frequency Study of THz Generation in Mid-Infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2015)
Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. Amann, M. A. Belkin
Online Ref
High power MWIR quantum cascade lasers and their use in intra-cavity THz room temperature generation
Proc. SPIE 9467, 94672G (2015)
M. Troccoli, X. Wang, J. Fan, S. Jung, A. Jiang, Y Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, M. A. Belkin
Online Ref
Nonlinear optics with quantum-engineered intersubband metamaterials
Proc. SPIE 9382, 938216 (2015)
J. Lee, N. Nookala, M. Tymchenko, S. Jung, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrafast electrically-tunable polaritonic metasurfaces
Adv. Opt. Mat. 2, 1057–1063 (2014)
J. Lee, S. Jung, P.-Y. Chen, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alù, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
External cavity terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on intra-cavity frequency mixing with 1.2-5.9 THz tuning range
J. Opt. 16, 094002 (2014)
Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, S. Jung, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Giant nonlinear response from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
Nature 511, 65–69 (2014)
J. Lee, M. Tymchenko, C. Argyropoulos, P.-Y. Chen, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly tunable monolithic room-temperature terahertz quantum cascade laser sources
Nature Commun. 5, 4267 (2014)
S. Jung, A. Jiang, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M. A. Belkin
Online Ref
Experimental investigation of terahertz quantum cascade laser with variable barrier heights
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 163103 (2014)
A. Jiang, A. Matyas, K. Vijayraghavan, C. Jirauschek, Z.R. Wasilewski, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Tip-enhanced infrared nanospectroscopy via molecular expansion force detection
Nature Photon. 8, 307–312 (2014)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
THz difference-frequency generation in MOVPE-grown quantum cascade lasers
IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 26, 391 (2014)
K. Vijayraghavan, M. Jang, A. Jiang, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Monolithic tunable terahertz quantum cascade laser source based on difference frequency generation
CLEO (2014)
S. Jung, A. Jiang, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly tunable external cavity terahertz source from 1.2∼5.9 THz
CLEO (2014)
Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, S. Jung, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly Tunable Room Temperature Monolithic Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources
OSA Advanced Photonics (2014)
S. Jung, A. Jiang, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultra-Sensitive Mid-Infrared Photoexpansion Nanospectroscopy with Background Suppression
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2014)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Widely-Tunable Monolithic Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources Based on Difference-Frequency Generation
CLEO 2014, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2014)
S. Jung, A. Jiang, Y. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Giant nonlinear response from plasmonic metasurfaces coupled to intersubband transitions
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2014)
J. Lee, C. Argyropoulos, P. Chen, M. Tymchenko, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Ultrafast voltage-tunable plasmonic metamaterials based on intersubband polaritons
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2014)
J. Lee, S. Jung, P. Chen, F. Lu, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M. Amann, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Widely tunable thermo-optic plasmonic bandpass filter
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 181115 (2013)
J. Lee, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Distributed feedback quantum cascade laser with optically tunable emission frequency
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 041120 (2013)
S. Suchalkin, G. Belenky, T. Hosoda, S. Jung, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly tunable terahertz generation in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
Nature Commun. 4, 2021 (2013)
K. Vijayraghavan, Y. Jiang, M. Jang, A. Jiang, K. Choutagunta, A. Vizbaras, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M. A. Belkin
Online Ref
Optically tunable long wavelength infrared quantum cascade laser operated at room temperature
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 011125 (2013)
S. Suchalkin, S. Jung, R. Tober, M.A. Belkin, G. Belenky
Online Ref
Mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with electrical control of the emission frequency
IEEE J. of Quantum Electron. 49, 60-64 (2013)
M. Jang, S. Suchalkin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Injectorless quantum cascade lasers as low threshold THz sources
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2013)
F. Demmerle, M. Kath, K. Vijayraghavan, G. Bohm, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
High performance room-temperature terahertz intracavity difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2013)
K. Vijayraghavan, Y. Jiang, A. Jiang, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Metamaterials based on intersubband polaritons
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics –Metamaterials 2013, Bordeaux (2013)
J. Lee, P.Y. Chen, C. Argyropoulos, A. Alu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Room-temperature Quantum Cascade Laser Sources of Terahertz Radiation
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2013)
M.A. Belkin, K. Vijayraghavan, Y. Jiang, A. Jiang, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Terahertz difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers with high conversion efficiency
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2013)
K. Vijayraghavan, M. Jang, A. Jiang, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Performance for Structures with Variable Barrier Heights
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2013)
A. Jiang, K. Vijayraghavan, A. Matyas, C. Jirauschek, Z. Wasilewski, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Widely wavelength tunable thermo-optic bandpass filters based on long-range surface plasmon polaritons
CLEO 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2013)
J. Lee, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Mid-infrared absorption nanospectroscopy via molecular force detection
in CLEO: 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (2013)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
THz quantum cascade lasers for operation above cryogenic temperatures
Proc. SPIE 8640, 864014 San Francisco (2013)
M.A. Belkin, K. Vijayraghavan, A. Vizbaras, A. Jiang, F. Demmerle, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.-C. Amann, A. Matyas, R. Chashmahcharagh, P. Lugli, C. Jirauschek, Z.R. Wasilewski
Online Ref
Terahertz and mid-infrared photoexpansion nanospectroscopy
Proc. SPIE 8585, 858509 (2013)
F. Lu, M. Jin, M. Salih, P. Dean, S.P. Khanna, L.H. Li, G. Davies, E.H. Linfield, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Mid-wave infrared and terahertz quantum cascade lasers based on resonant nonlinear frequency mixing
Proc. SPIE 8631, 86311V (2013)
A. Vizbaras, K. Vijayraghavan, F. Demmerle, M. Jang, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M.C. Amann
Online Ref
THz Emission by Frequency Mixing of Mid-Infrared Dual-Wavelength Quantum Cascade Lasers with a Cherenkov Phase Matching Scheme
41st Freiburg Infrared Colloquium, Freiburg, Germany (2013)
F. Demmerle, A. Vizbaras, K. Vijayraghavan, M. Jang, A. Jiang, G. Boehm, M. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Terahertz sources based on Čerenkov difference-frequency generation in quantum cascade lasers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 251104 (2012)
K. Vijayraghavan, R.W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, M. Jang, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Twisted optical metamaterials for planarized, ultrathin, broadband circular polarizers
Nature Commun. 3, 870 (2012)
Y. Zhao, M.A. Belkin, A. Alu
Online Ref
Improved terahertz quantum cascade laser with variable height barriers
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 103106 (2012)
A. Matyas, R. Chashmahcharagh, I. Kovacs, P. Lugli, K. Vijayraghavan, M.A. Belkin, C. Jirauschek
Online Ref
Short-wavelength InP quantum cascade laser sources by quasi-phase-matched intracavity second-harmonic generation
Phys. Status Solidi C 9, 298-301 (2012)
A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Limiting factors to the temperature performance of THz quantum cascade lasers based on the resonant-phonon depopulation scheme
IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol. 2, 83-92 (2012)
Y. Chassagneux, Q.J. Wang, S.P. Khanna, E. Strupiechonski, J. Coudevylle, E.H. Linfield, A.G. Davies, F. Capasso, M.A. Belkin, R. Colombelli
Online Ref
Terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on Cherenkov intra-cavity difference-frequency generation
CLEO, pp. 540-541 (2012)
K. Vijayraghavan, R. Adams, A. Vizbaras, M. Jang, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Plasmonic-enhanced infrared photoexpansion nano-spectroscopy using tunable quantum cascade lasers
Proc. SPIE 8466, 84660I (2012)
F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on difference-frequency generation: from passive nonlinearity to leaky THz waveguide device concept
Proc. SPIE 8496, 849607 (2012)
A. Vizbaras, K. Vijayraghavan, R.W. Adams, G. Boehm, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on Cerenkov difference-frequency generation
Proc. SPIE 8496, 849608 (2012)
K. Vijayraghavan, A. Vizbaras, R.W. Adams, M. Jang, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Widely-tunable optical bandpass filter based on long-range surface plasmon polaritons
Proc. SPIE 8457, 84572G (2012)
J. Lee, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Tip-enhanced photoexpansion nano-spectroscopy using tunable quantum cascade lasers
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2012)
F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Terahertz quantum cascade laser sources based on Cherenkov intra-cavity difference-frequency generation
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2012)
K. Vijayraghavan, R. W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, M.C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Fast electrical wavelength modulation of mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2012)
S. Suchalkin, M. Jang, S. Jung, R.L. Tober, M.A. Belkin, G. Belenky
Online Ref
Widely wavelength tunable optical filters using characteristics of long-range surface plasmon polaritons
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2012)
J. Lee, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Nonlinear GaInAs/AlInAs/InP quantum cascade laser sources for wavelength generation in the 2.7-70μm wavelength range
Proc. SPIE 8268, 82680L (2012)
A. Vizbaras, R.W. Adams, C. Grasse, M. Jang, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Extremely Broadband Terahertz Generation by Difference-Frequency Generation with a Cherenkov Phase Matching Scheme
No Reference given. (2012)
F. Demmerle, A. Vizbaras, K. Vijayraghavan, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, M.A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Nonlinear GaInAs/AlInAs/InP quantum cascade laser sources for wavelength generation in the 2.7-70 µm wavelength range
Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IX Invited talk:, Vol. 8268, San Francisco, Ca, USA (2012)
A. Vizbaras, R. W. Adams, C. Grasse, M. Jang, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Short-wavelength InP quantum cascade laser sources by quasi-phase-matched intracavity second-harmonic generation
Physica Status Solidi (c) 9, 298-301 (2012)
A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
Infrared absorption nano-spectroscopy using sample photoexpansion induced by tunable quantum cascade lasers
Optics Express 19, 19942-19947 (2011)
F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Broadly wavelength tunable bandpass filters based on long-range surface plasmon polaritons
Opt. Lett. 36, 3744-3746 (2011)
J. Lee, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Room-temperature 2.95µm quantum cascade laser sources based on intra-cavity frequency doubling
Electron. Lett. 47, 667-668 (2011)
M. Jang, X. Wang, R.W. Adams, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Terahertz sources based on intracavity frequency mixing in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers with passive nonlinear sections
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 151114 (2011)
R.W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, M. Jang, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Widely tunable waveguide filters based on long-range surface plasmon polaritons
Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference, pp. 17-18 (2011)
J. Lee, F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
GaAs/Al0.15Ga0.85As terahertz quantum cascade lasers with double phonon resonant depopulation operating up to 172 K
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2011)
R.W. Adams, K. Vijayraghavan, Q.J. Wang, J. Fan, F. Capasso, S.P. Khanna, L. Li, A.G. Davies, E. H. Linfield, and M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
THz quantum cascade sources based on intra-cavity frequency mixing in passive nonlinear sections
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2011)
R.W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, K. Vijayraghavan, M. Jang, Y. Cho, A.A. Belyanin, M.-C. Amann, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Intersubband Raman laser for operation in terahertz
International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2011)
K. Vijayraghavan, R.W. Adams, Y. Cho, A.A. Belyanin, S.P. Khanna, L. Li, A.G. Davies, E.H. Linfield, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Quantum-cascade laser-based nanoscale photoexpansion microspectroscopy in mid-infrared and terahertz
2011 International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (2011)
F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Room-temperature operation of l» 2.95 mm In0. 67Ga0. 33As/Al0. 57In0. 43As quantum cascade laser source based on intracavity second harmonic generation
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2011)
M. Jang, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, M.A. Belkin
Terahertz quantum cascade sources based on intra-cavity frequency mixing in passive nonlinear sections
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2011)
R.W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, K. Vijayraghavan, M. Jang, M.C. Amann, Y.H. Cho, A. Belyanin, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Mid-infrared absorption microscopy with λ/100 spatial resolution using tunable quantum cascade lasers
CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (2011)
F. Lu, M.A. Belkin
Online Ref
Upper limits on terahertz difference frequency generation power in quantum well heterostructures
Proc. SPIE, 7953 (2011)
Y.-H. Cho, M.A. Belkin, A. Belyanin
Online Ref
InGaAs/AlInAs quantum cascade laser sources based on intra-cavity second harmonic generation emitting in 2.6-3.6 micron rang
Proc. SPIE 7953, 795315 (2011)
M.A. Belkin, M. Jang, R.W. Adams, J.X. Chen, W.O. Charles, C. Gmachl, L.W. Cheng, F.-S. Choa, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, C. Grasse, M.-C. Amann
Online Ref
Extending the spectral range of GaInAs/AlInAs/InP quantum cascade lasers by intracavity nonlinear frequency mixing
International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells ITQW-2011, September 11-17, Badesi, Sardinia (2011)
A. Vizbaras, R. W. Adams, M. Jang, M. A. Belkin, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, Y. H. Cho, A. Belyanin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
InGaAs/AlInAs quantum cascade laser sources based on intracavity second harmonic generation in 2.6 - 3.6 micron range
Invited talk:, San Francisco, CA, USA, January (2011)
M. A. Belkin, M. Jang, R. W. Adams, J. Chen, W. O. Charles, C. F. Gmachl, L. Cheng, F. S. Choa, X. Wang, M. Troccoli, A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, C. Grasse, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
InP-based quantum cascade lasers with transversely integrated giant nonlinearity for wavelength generation in the 2.6 µm - 70 µm range by intracavity nonlinear frequency mixing
Proc. of the 40th Freiburg Infrared Colloquium, February 16 -17, Freibug, Germany (2011)
A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, R. W. Adams, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M. A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
Quantum cascade lasers with integrated nonlinearity for difference-frequency (THz) and second harmonic (near infrared) generation
Invited talk:, April 21-25, Las Vegas, Nevada USA (2011)
A. Vizbaras, C. Grasse, R. W. Adams, M. A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
Room-temperature lambda ~ 2.7 µm quantum cascade laser sources based on intracavity second-harmonic generation
47 (2011)
A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, S. Katz, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M. A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
Short-wavelength injectorless quantum cascade laser basedon second-harmonic generation
No Reference given. Winner of 'Best Poster Award 2011' (Third Place) (2011)
C. Grasse, A. Vizbaras, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M.A. Belkin, M.-C. Amann
Short-wavelength InP quantum cascade laser sources by quasi-phase-matched intracavity second-harmonic generation
International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS-2011), May 22-26, Berlin, Germany, (2011)
A. Vizbaras, M. Anders, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M. A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Injectorless quantum cascade lasers for room-temperature short-wavelength emissionby efficient second-harmonic generation
Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting, 367-368 (2010)
A. Vizbaras, S. Katz, M. Anders, C. Grasse, G. Boehm, R. Meyer, M. A. Belkin, M. C. Amann
Online Ref
THz quantum cascade laser sources for room-temperature operation
The 40th winter colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics January 3-7, Snowbird, Utah, USA (2010)
M. A. Belkin, R. W. Adams, A. Vizbaras, M. Jang, C. Grasse, S. Katz, G. Boehm, M. C. Amann
Online Ref

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